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QUACKS is a pay what you feel comedy open mic night, specifically geared towards the LGBTQ+ community!



Anyone is welcome to sign up for a five minute slot , but there's no obligation if you just want to watch some new comedy! 

Anyone who does sign up, gets a free rubber duck (hence the name!)

Comedy can often feel exclusive, so we were determined to create a space where the queer community can feel safe enjoying and trying out comedy, while connecting with like-minded folks.


We’re always blown away by the turnout, with both regulars and new faces showing up each month. Thank you to every single person who’s shown up to make every open mic a fun time, every time.

Find out when our next open mic night!

Keeping things Chill

We created this open mic night as a safe space for the queer community of Sheffield to enjoy comedy, so we have a few house rules to make sure everybody has a great  night:

- QUACKS is not the space to try out edgy humour


We have a no tolerance policy to homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism or any other nastiness.  

 The best comedy always punches up, not down

- no heckling or talking during peoples acts

We work really hard to create an encouraging environment for both newbies and established performers, so please do not heckle the performers

Also please do not talk during the acts as it can disrupt the performers as well as the audience around you - don't worry, we have plenty of breaks for you to catch up with your friends

- finally have a great night!

Thanks in advance for being nice shiny people and helping us ensure the best and safest atmosphere for everyone to enjoy the evening!


Sign Up for a 5 minute slot!

Thanks for getting in touch!

    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 19 Feb
    Showroom Cinema Cafe Event Space
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 19 Mar
    Showroom Cinema Cafe Event Space
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 23 Apr
    Showroom Cinema Cafe Event Space
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 21 May
    Showroom Cinema Cafe Event Space
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, 18 Jun
    Showroom Cinema Cafe Event Space
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